

Monday, November 17, 2014


A lot of things happened in 1303. William Wallace and Edward I of England had a little dust up. Pope Benedict XI succeeded Boniface VIII, who had just founded the University of Rome La Sapienza. The Treaty of Paris gave Gascony back to the English. On what would later become my birthday, Beatrice of Castille died. A future emperor of China was born. In August of that year, the Lighthouse of Alexandria was destroyed by an earthquake. I won't pretend that I knew all those things, but I was able to find them out with a little research.
Today, 13:03 took on a new meaning for me. Recently, I submitted Warrior's Scar to a review blog that I like. Immerse or Die is a great concept by Jefferson Smith. He has a 40-minute treadmill workout, during which he reads a new book. Then he posts how long the book held his attention, as well as his thoughts about it. Warrior's Scar lasted thirteen minutes and three seconds. Jefferson had good things to say about my concept, but like I say, thirteen minutes and three seconds. Damn. Now I know from reading his blog that beating ten minutes is a significant feat. But I wanted it all, and I blew it. An editing error and a last-minute correction did me in.
As much as I hate 13:03 right now, I've learned from it. I'm changing how I keep the timeline of the series, as well as how I track it. Over the next few months, as I finish book five and release the second editions of books two and three, you can bet that while there might be other mistakes, my timelines will be right.

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